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An ode to the monumental Brown vs. The Board of Education Supreme Court decision, The 1954 Equity Project, LLC (54EP) provides tools, mentorship, and resources for underrepresented minorities to thrive in higher education. 54EP builds community with students in universities and provides a platform for students to share their lived experiences and co-create equitable solutions that allow students to be both successful and their authentic selves during their tenure in higher education. Too often, educational institutions focus on diversity but fail to understand the importance of inclusion. At The 1954 Equity Project inclusion and identity awareness is our number one priority.


The resources provided through 54EP will provide students’ navigational capital to not just survive academia, but to thrive in academia as their authentic selves. Whether students are struggling with issues of race, class, gender or sexual orientation, 54EP works with students to identify resources and take ownership of their college experience. The aim is to move beyond student retention by placing great emphasis on degree completion via peer collaboration/co-creation and community building to achieve empowerment, self-efficacy, and self-determination.


Resources provided by The 1954 Equity Project, LLC includes tools and tactics for students to:

•    Embrace and appreciate their authentic selves;

•    Understand and heal from internalized oppression;

•    Overcome imposter syndrome;

•    Build a community of accountability among peers;

•    Seek out mentors;

•    Locate resources;

•    Create opportunities to constructively give back to the      surrounding community in which they reside.


The 1954 Equity Project provides success strategies for participants to implement throughout their academic experience. The resources and tactics available benefit underrepresented students who are enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level.


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